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Wolfsville Myersville Athletic Association

WMAA Bylaws




                     I.            THE NAME OF THIS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE WOLFSVILLE MYERSVILLE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, also known as WMAA, and hereafter referred to as the Association. WMAA is a member of both the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) and the Frederick County Youth Soccer League (FCYSL) and abides by the bylaws and regulations therein.


                    II.            THE PURPOSE OF THE ASSOCIATION SHALL BE:

a.        To provide the communities of Myersville/Wolfsville and surrounding area, with a variety of sports-oriented programs focused heavily on good sportsmanship and teamwork;

b.       To finance and promote these activities;

c.        To purchase, lease or otherwise acquire real estate for the purpose of providing these sports activities;

d.       To borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness in furtherance of any and all objects of its business and to secure the same by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge or other lien.


                  III.            MEMBERSHIP

a.        Anyone who resides or attends Myersville/Wolfsville School Districts or surrounding areas is eligible for membership;

b.       Members must pay annual dues to be determined by the Board of Directors;

c.        Any member of the family may participate in any sports activity once annual dues are paid.


                  IV.            GOVERNING BODY:   Shall be made up of the Officers and the Board of Directors, with the exception as presented hereafter.  All Officers and Directors shall reside within a reasonable proximity of the Association.  Only one member of an immediate family may serve on the Board of Directors at a time.  No Officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in one capacity and may be reelected after one (1) year of absence.  An officer who has served in an office for more than one half of a full term shall be deemed to have served a full term in such office.


a.        Officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  These officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years;

b.       The association will operate with, at a minimum, the officers of President and Treasurer.  The current Vice President will act as President should that office be vacant at any point in time.  Unless it is by means of resignation from the Board, the Current Treasurer may not vacate the position until, or unless, a replacement is elected.  Existing officers will ensure that appropriate minutes and official association records are maintained should the Secretary Officer position be vacant at any point in time.

c.        Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of five (5) elected Directors, in addition to the Officers.  The immediate Past President may serve on the Board as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board.  The terms of office for Directors will be two (2) years each. 

d.       Terms of the members of the governing body will begin at the beginning of the first Board meeting following their election;

e.       Attendance by members of the governing body is expected at all meetings.  If a member is unable to attend a meeting, that member should notify the President or Secretary of their inability to attend.  If a member of the governing body is absent from four (4) regularly scheduled monthly meetings in a rolling 12-month period, that member's status will be subject to review and appropriate action, if necessary, at the discretion of the governing body;

f.         Vacant and unexpired terms that occur between Annual meetings may be appointed by the Board of Directors for the remainder of the term.  New Directors can also be appointed by the Board of Directors above the five (5) Director minimum between Annual meetings as desired.

g.        Voting on matters of business: Voting method shall be determined by the President or general consensus of the Board.  On open votes, the President will only vote to break a tie;

h.       The governing body shall have the authority to conduct all business of the Association and determine all the policy;

i.         Leases, mortgage, or acceptance of indebtedness will require majority vote of the Board of Directors.


                   V.            DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS


a.        PRESIDENT:  shall preside at all meetings.  The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association.  The President shall sign or countersign all contracts and certificates or other instruments of the Association, as authorized by the Board of Directors.  The President shall perform all such duties as are incident to the office or are properly required by the Board of Directors;

b.       VICE PRESIDENT:  shall assist the President and shall preside over and officiate at all meetings and assume the duties of the President in case of absence.  He or she shall be responsible for reserving and coordinating all facilities, and shall assume all responsibilities as delegated by the President;

c.        SECRETARY:  shall issue notice of all meetings and shall keep minutes of all meetings, shall provide a written copy of those minutes for each meeting.  Will keep membership records and keep them current.  Will make reports and perform correspondence as is properly required of the Secretary.  The secretary has charge of the Corporate Seal and bylaws of the Association;

d.       TREASURER:  shall have custody of all monies and books of the Association.  The Treasurer will keep regular books of the accounts of the Association.  Treasurer will disburse the funds of the Association as determined by the governing body and upon proper documentation.  The Treasurer shall provide the Board of Directors an accounting of all transactions and the financial condition of the Association at each monthly meeting.  All checks will be signed by the Treasurer and/or one other officer as designated by the Board of Directors.  All indebtedness will be dealt with in the best interest of the Association.  An annual review of the books and accounts of the Association shall be performed and all tax filings made as required.   The Treasurer shall sign all tax filings required to be filed by the Association.


Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation, each officer shall turn over to the President, within fourteen (14) days, all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the office, and shall return to the treasurer, immediately, all funds pertaining to the office.


                  VI.            COMMITTEES:  All Standing Committees shall be determined by the governing body as deemed necessary.  Committees may consist of, but not be limited to: Registration Committee, Parks and Recreation, Field Maintenance, Equipment, Community Relations, and Web Site. 


                VII.            MEETINGS


a.        PLACE:  All meetings of the Association shall be held at the principal office in Myersville, Maryland, or such other place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  The place at which such meeting shall be held will be stated in the call of the meeting;

b.       ANNUAL MEETING: The Annual Meeting of the members of the Association for the election of Directors and Officers to succeed those whose terms expire and for the transaction of such other business that may come before the meeting, shall be held on or before the last day of February each year;

1.       Notice of the time and place of the Annual Meeting of the membership, including a proposed slate of the Candidates for the elections, shall be made to the members in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting;

2.       A quorum at the Annual Meeting shall consist of the members present;

3.       The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows:

                                                                                 i.            Call to Order

                                                                                ii.            Proof of Notice of Meeting

                                                                              iii.            Reading of Minutes of last Annual Meeting

                                                                              iv.            Report of Committees

                                                                                v.            Annual Election of Officers and Board Members

                                                                              vi.            Miscellaneous Business


               VIII.            BOARD MEETINGS: will be held monthly at a regular time to conduct the general business of the Association

a.        A quorum consists of four (4) members of the governing body;

b.       Order of Business:

1.       Call to Order

2.       Secretary's Report

3.       Treasurer's Report

4.       Committee Reports

5.       Old Business

6.       New Business

7.       Announcements

c.        Special Board Meetings may be called for any purpose by any member of the Board of Directors.  The President or Vice President will then determine the time and place of the meeting and give 48 hours' prior notice;

d.       Special General Membership Meetings may be called by the governing body for any purpose requiring a vote of the General Membership.


                  IX.            ELECTIONS:


a.        Officers and Directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting;

b.       Any member of the Association 18 years of age or older may be nominated for any office;

c.        A proposed slate of candidates will be prepared and notification provided to the general membership fourteen days prior to the Annual Meeting;

d.       Nominations for any vacant position will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting.  Persons nominated in this manner must be members in good standing and express his or her interest in holding office in person or in writing;

e.       Voting will be held by secret ballot.  However, if there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be by voice vote.  A majority vote shall be required for election.


                   X.            AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS


a.        Amendments to the Bylaws of the Association may be made only at a meeting of the General Membership;

b.       Recommendations for amendments and changes to the Bylaws will be provided to the membership fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting of the general membership.  Evidence of this notification will constitute due notice to the membership of the proposed change.  Amendments and changes to the bylaws may be passed by a majority voice vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting.

c.        Regardless of any recommended changes, the Association will review its bylaws at least once every two years and execute with the signatures of all current Officers.

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