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Wolfsville Myersville Athletic Association

Coaches Code of Conduct

I understand that in my position as a WMAA coach, I must act in accord with the WMAA Coaches Code of Conduct:

Trustworthiness - be worthy of trust in all I do and teach athletes the importance of integrity, honesty and reliability.

Integrity - Model high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor; teach, advocate and model the importance of honor and good character by doing the right thing
Honesty - Do not lie, cheat or engage in or permit dishonest or unsportsmanlike conduct.
Reliability - Do what I say I will do

- Treat athletes, coaches, officials with respect at all times and require the same of my athletes
Class - Be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity; encourage athletes to give fallen opponents a hand, compliment extraordinary performance
Respect Officials - treat officials with respect; Do not complain about or argue with official calls or decisions during or after a game.
Respect Opponents- treat the other teams' parents, coaches, and players with respect; I will remember to be positive toward others to help grow the game of soccer and create an environment of positive competitiveness.
Respect Parents - treat parents with respect; Be clear about my expectations, goals and policies and maintain open lines of communication.
Profanity - Do not engage in or permit profanity or obscene gestures during practices or games

Knowledge of Rules
- Maintain a thorough knowledge of current game and competition rules and assure that my athletes know and understand the rules.

Self-Control - control my ego and emotions; avoid displays of anger and frustration; don't retaliate.

Protect Athletes - put the well being of athletes above other considerations and take appropriate steps to protect them from inappropriate conduct.
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